This bag isn't going anywhere today. Bummer. I'm 50% effaced and still 1 centimeter dilated. The baby is really low, but my cervix isn't. The Doctor said it all really has no indicator of when I will go into labor though, it could be today, it could be ten more days. He said "I hope to see you in the hospital this week." Everyone say a prayer and cross your fingers! Although pray it isn't tomorrow. Tomorrow is Kebby's birthday and Wednesday is mine and quite honestly we both aren't ready to share, especially Kebby. Any other time is A-Okay Lola! Like tonight! :)
I'll keep you guys posted. I have lots of pictures to post. They'll be up in the next day or two! Here is one of me... lol.
Okay so maybe not the greatest picture, but Clay took this right after my weirdo cleaning spree last night. Me during my 39th week of pregnancy! I had just spent an hour scrubbing the bathrooms, so this is as glamorous as I get. Clay was shocked to find sweat on my back after I cleaned for two hours straight... and I mean hard core cleaning... at 39 weeks! Sweat, that was the least of my worries, especially back sweat... lol. :)
Oh and yes I made this dorky chain to count down the days until Lola's arrival! It's much shorter now and has been fun seeing it shrink! Anything to help encourage me along!
1 comment:
hey being effaced is good! if you aren't thinning then there is no point in dilating- so that's good!
Everyone's birthday was in December so it was really hard hoping to not have her on someone's birthday.. and it did fall on one of my friends! haha. Hope you and Kebby have good birthday's! :) Good luck! lol
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