I love this cute, ghetto Santa pic! |
My blogging down right stinks and it makes me so frustrated with myself because I love using my blog to record all the things happening with the kiddos. And so much is happening, yet so much isn't. Haha- sickness keeps overcoming us and makes for long weeks!! The kids have been really sick at least once during each month for the last three, and before that we were battling some major colic and baby quirks, so Clay and I officially decided we get some kind of "pat on the back" for 2012. Always feeling very blessed about all we have- but we are welcoming 2013 with open arms. Hoping for a healthy 2013!
Christmas and Sickness:
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Christmas morning summed up. |
"Oh mom. I'm sick of being sick!" |
Santa Cow! I adore this picture!
House rearranged and decorated for Christmas. |
Santa left fun gifts and a sweet note. And Nonna made cupcakes for Jesus' birthday per Lola's request! |
Lola opening gifts. I didn't let her see any of their wrapping paper, so she wouldn't put it together that I wrapped presents that were supposedly from Santa!
She tried out her ironing board immediately but with little enthusiasm. I thought "uh oh!" Luckily it was the sickness and not really a lack of interest! She equates ironing to crafting since I only iron my fabrics! Hahaha!
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Looks real, huh? Crazy! Has a red light and all. |
"Hey Dad- go long!" (is that a football saying?)
Our little unexpected scrooge Christmas morning. She will hate me one day for posting this picture but I couldn't resist. Merry Christmas little Lola Lou! We still love you! I'll cherish our Christmas day memories forever- through sickness and health!
Homemade felt gifts:
New Years:
I am embarrassed to say that I was asleep before midnight on New Years. :( Poor Clay! I felt horrible that day and was just impressed I lasted till 11:15 p.m.! We had an in-house date night the next night to make up for the lame New Year's Eve. I am thinking we need a getaway weekend though. It's on the list of things to do soon! We made some great new year's resolutions and included Lola on it. We are trying new things in 2013!
Oliver is NINE months old:
Oliver is 9 months old! It's so weird he has been here the same amount of time he was in my belly! Weird thought? It just seems he has always been here. And because we are seeing his personality and happy spirit for the first time in the last few months, it has been super exciting. Sometimes when I get really tired, I wonder how parents have kids later in life. Maybe they are way healthier and more in shape than I am? Lola slept through the night pretty quickly, but little brother doesn't roll like that. He likes to eat 1-2 times a night still. 2013 goals for Oliver- sleep through the night, walk, and tell Momma "i love you!"
Oliver at 9 months:
1. He weighs right around 20 pounds.
2. He takes roughly 5 ounces and if he isn't sleepy it may take him an hour or so to take it all.
3. He loves all baby foods, but doesn't handle the orange ones to well.
4. Still spits up a lot. Especially big boy food.
5. 12-18 month clothing- I always dress him in bigger clothes. An interesting fact: He doesn't sleep in pajamas. Just sweats and stuff. He doesn't like the onesie type of clothes with feet in them. And when he sleeps in sweats, we can get up and go in the morning with minimal effort. It just works.
6. No words yet...
7. Still army crawling, but trying so hard to figure out and remember how to crawl on knees.
8. He has played around with a sippy cup for a long time, but recently I have gotten serious about trying to get him to really use it the right way. I got him one he wouldn't have to lift up and that is going okay. The liquid falls out of his mouth a lot. We are working on it and really hoping at 12 months he won't need his expensive formula (Elecare) because I am not for sure insurance will cover it after 12 months of age. :( And I really don't think his tummy will handle milk-
9. His favorite person is me, and a close runner up is Lola. He has always been a momma's boy. It was extreme during colic, got better, and is more intense again. He also really likes Carmen. They are buds. And momma enjoys her coming to help so I can sneak in girl time with Lola and work... work? Oh yes- work. Here and there- but 2013 will be a little more back to normal.
10. He isn't afraid to yell, grunt, cry or scream to let you know he doesn't like something, wants something, or got hurt. Trying to toughen him up a bit. At two, fit throwing won't be tolerated.
11. He gives KISSES!!! And it melts my heart every time. At first it was just on command and now he does it to show affection and love. The crazy thing is he does it at appropriate times. Today I went to lay him down for a nap and I think I always kiss him in habit before I lay him down but today he beat me to it. It's those wet, open mouth baby kisses! So cute. So sweet. He has finally given kisses to Clay and Lola too. He's stingy with those kisses and saves them all for me! :) I will take them while I can get them!
12. Along with kisses, he is a biter. Big time. He gets in trouble and it's how he handles teething- and I hope he grows out of it when all teeth are in. He's made me say a few bad words and it really hurts. OH and at least 6 teeth. Maybe 7? I keep my fingers out of his mouth! He hasn't bit Lola yet and when he does it could be bad. I am praying this doesn't happen.
13. He is pulling up and trying to pull up on things, but he has become a pro at pulling up on his bed. He had a shelf next to his crib and he found that the other day and pulled everything off of it and yanked down his video monitor hanging on the wall. I'll be rearranging soon...
14. He is definitely a crib sleeper. Never rocked, never in my bed. Crying it out was the best thing in the world for us. He loves his bed. He sometimes cry, normally when teething or reflux (yes still reflux) is bad. But normally he plays then falls asleep with his blankets and stuffed animals. He currently has an alligator, two monkeys, and shark in bed with him and two blankets.
15. I had to make him bumper pads because his legs were getting super stuck in his crib. He loves them and uses them as a pillow.
16. He still has a weak suck/swallow and I am interested to see how this plays out over time.
17. Found out he's allergic to zithromax like his sister and had a bad reaction to his flu shot- so no more for him.
18. He loves him some books. I love his chuckle he does when I read to him. And he loves him some big boy baths now. Makes me nervous.
19. He likes to ride in buggies now and sit in high chairs. This is new for us and I just switched him to a big boy britax carseat versus the snap and go one. I hated that car seat with Lola and with her flat head, she didn't stay in it long, but because he is so chilled he loves that carseat and rides in it well when we grocery shop and stuff so I did kind of hate to switch him... everything has been so opposite the second time around. It's kind of been nice. I do love change.
20. When I am in the kitchen and he wants me, he will crawl into the kitchen crying the whole way then get up on his knees for me to get him. I love how he knows where to find me! He'll do the same if I am in my room.
I was so good at recording things with Lola and glad I took a minute to list things out for Oliver. I am vowing to be a better blogger in 2013. I so miss WLW. It made blogging so easy. Come on apple- get it!!!
I really love having a boy and it makes me confused about the next baby. I guess it's a good thing God decides. When we adopt, I would want a girl. Lola says she loves Oliver and doesn't need a little sister anymore, but she thinks Oliver needs a little sister. ;) Isn't that a clever way for her to put it??
And speaking of Lola....
She is so smart, so clever, a little bit sneaky, more sensitive than you may think, shy and outgoing, loves her friends, getting craftier and craftier, a distracted ballerina, a globe smartie, Diego fan, ease dropper, curious reader, picky eater, amazing (can't stress that enough) big sister, asthma child.
Things I love about my three year old:
1. I love how well she converses with me and shares her feelings. She has asked some really in depth questions lately and it's blows my mind how much her mind thinks. I often wonder why she thinks about such big things and wish I could always take her worries for her and encourage the fun curiosities. I love that she is so open with me. We talk about a lot of happy feelings, confusing feelings, and curious feelings. 2. I love that she wants to shop too now. She's not just a bystander in the cart. When we go to Target, thrift stores, the mall- she has aisles and things she wants to look at and not just toys. At Target the other day, she wanted me to turn the cart down the aisle that her little girl bedding. Hahaha! So I did. Not very fair that only I shop, so I try and remember to let it be an experience for her too.
3. I love that she is so independent. Can play in a bath by herself, be up in the mornings by herself, potty by herself, eat by herself, etc... I didn't realize how much we had left the "baby stage" until we had another baby! And I didn't realize how independent she was, until we had Oliver!
4. I love that she has her own interest and hobbies. This year she wants to do soccer and gymnastics which we hope to start in the Spring.
5. I love that she can tell me things- like what hurts when she is sick, why she doesn't want to wear certain outfits and shoes, who she wants to hang with and who she doesn't want to hang with, details about school, experiences with other people, etc... It's always interesting.
6. She can work netflix on her iPad. Play real apps- and it's something relaxing for her.
7. I love how curious she is about words and letters. If I really worked on it, I think she could be reading. Like really reading simple books. I am about to put up sight words in the house because she is so curious and I hate not to feed into that desire to know how to spell and read... while she has it! She is practicing writing too. She gets pretty distracted so we work on it in small increments at the table with dry erase workbooks and boards.
8. I love her sweet spirit. It's always been sweet and it still is. Just a big, sweet heart. I think having a little brother has made her sweeter, although I definitely see her adjusting when he hits new stages. Now that he plays with toys, it's been a new world for her to get used to as well. I notice she likes to stick closer to me and home now too. She really enjoys girl time and I love that. We get to talk about things and do things we otherwise might not have done or said.
9. I love that she is just old enough to help with Oliver. I can run to the back to put up a load of laundry and know she will holler at me if he's into something he shouldn't be, she can make him happy in the backseat when he cries, she picks out outfits and diapers for him, she is really calm and sweet when they take baths together, she likes to feed him his puffs, and sometimes she doesn't like him to mess with her toys... that normally is a sign we are tired and meltdown is near. Doctor thinks with all the sickness her body is just worn down some- we've noticed her needing more rest than normal!
10. I could go on and on- but the last thing I really, really love is her ability to hang out in our craft room forever with me. She will craft, organize, build tents, play with ribbons, glue, iron, talk to me, work on her computer, snack- you name it- we've done it in the craft room. Hope when I start Oliver's quilt she will keep me company! I am sure she will happily.
I feel like I have probably missed so many things since there are big gaps in between my blog post. Hopefully that won't be anymore. I will blog better. I will blog better.
Perot Museum:
Clay and I wanted to take a time out right before Christmas to spend some quality time with just big sis. We took her to the Perot Museum because she has always wanted to go to the a science center. She loved it and most loved the kid section which was way weak, but thanks to memberships from Clay's parents, we can go back as much as we like to explore all floors. She had a great time, but note for next time: pack snacks. She got so hungry she lost all ability to care about anything else but food.
On our way to the surprise place! |
This was the best out of 20 or so. Darn hubby. |
Oliver was very interested in the grizzly beard! |
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I stenciled "Swartz" on using my Silhouette! |
Popcorn for Theater Show! |
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Lola's turn! She loved it! Maybe follow after my cousin's footsteps! |
Christmas at Nonna and Ba's:
Somebody was trying to pep up! |
This did the trick... |
And this! |
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Nonna tells Lola this all the time! |
Blakes' picture and letter framed for dad to have. He loved it. |
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Nick getting Japanese money for his trip! |
One of my favorite gifts. My brother and sister have jokes. I think. LOL!
Time for Oliver to dig in! He slept while everyone was opening theirs-
Paw-Paw was under the weather... but not Ollie's Maw-Maw! |
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Happy Birthday Jesus! |
IT SNOWED!!!! Pure crazy. Lola was too sick to play in it and she was out there all of two minutes before coming back in and she seemed quite glad to be in a warm house. Glad she wasn't too disappointed! I wished we could have played longer! But we had a mini snowball fight!
I didn't get any pictures of me with my gifts, but I LOVED my quilt and my cross-stitch that says "Housework is a bummer." And I had such a good stocking. The boys didn't get one because they don't care. They got boxes. Heh! Just me and Keb and we thought it was an A+ stocking.
I forgot to add that Oliver is taking big boy baths now!!
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One of Oliver's favorite places to play. Maybe he will be a chef! |
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Lola took this picture! |
These blocks were a post Christmas gift and Lola has loved them. She leaves them on her desk and plays with them in the craft room. / My handsome men.
Meme and Papa came all the way to see us! Yay! Lola was too busy bouncing around for picture taking!
"Oh shit." Bauhahahahahahaha!
Lola and Baby Mae in matching pajamas thanks to Carmen!
Silly faces. Pretty faces.
Christmas themed breakfast in December!
Could eat her up still. Hope I feel this way when she is 16. ;)
This makes my heart beat. This is what makes our house feel like a home.
This is what I dreamed of. Thanks to a great husband and best friend who lets me live out my dream.
Sick snuggles.
My little drummer boy.
My little asthma girl. :(
For Lola's craft area!
Sick baby snuggles. His face was swollen. :(
Momma's turn. One of the worst weeks of my life.
Top three worst weeks were this year. Glad it's over.
And by the way- who gets the flu the same day they have a colonoscopy and egd? I was wondering if they accidentally took my insides out instead of just biopsies!
He's got tricks in his crib now. I have a funny video I'll post soon.
Lola playing dress up. I am not sure how I feel about this... stay three.
Sickness and doctors...
Experimenting with pastels.
Toy hell.
Crafting Heaven. Lola's new area.
My next project- sew this buddy!
Bathroom family party! Going house crazy.
A book I made dad from CFA crew.
It was pretty cool bc it is filled with notes from his employees!
Oliver's fifteenth million doctor appt. Lola took pictures. I had no idea we were doing a swallow study hence Lola being there. Poor girl. Stood up and yelled during it "They are hurting my bubbie!" and covered her face. I assured her we all hated it but it wasn't hurting him as much as it was us. At least I was praying it wasn't. Stay strong momma bear.
Love it when I find these pictures in my phone.
I should frame this one. I 'lub' it.
Pretty girl. It will be so weird when she can actually ride in the front seat with me.
A moment I am not ready for. Stay little. Although I enjoy each and every year and age.
Resemblance? I think so....
Love it.
Headed to a Christmas festival at her school!
She sat on stage with all the big kids to listen to the story about Jesus and even had an active role in the story telling. So big! I love that this church does things like this because she feels so comfortable since it's her school! Win, win!
Playing outside in shorts, because it doesn't seem to get cold here.
He loves him crackers.
Oliver's Christmas gift from Nonna... Can't wait to hang in his room!
Lots of sick snuggles in December!
Sibling love.
Surprise naps. Poor girl-
One of my very favorites.
Park in December- why not when it is 80+ degrees?
We made a ridiculous amount of cookies in December.
My siblings always crash at my house. But don't worry- thats a friendly shark.
Thanksgiving greatness. Thankful!
Silly with his Auntie Keb.
Nonna going along with Lola's posing.
Self portrait.
Crafting in her panties. Priceless.
Someone else got sick in December. I saw a glimpse of him at 80.
I found this on the floor in the craft room. Lola was working on this necklace. I remembered she got really frustrated and I had to explain to her that crafting is fun and when we get tired and frustrated that means it is time to stop and leave our project as is and come back to it later. Sure enough a couple hours later she happily came back and finished it! She wears it often! And I love i!
Our girl days. They are priceless. What a beauty she is inside and out!
We love getting back home to this cutie too!
Hives. Just like him sister-
Working man.
We copied Lola's idea at CFA and had an All Girl Christmas Party in Forney.
Kite flying. She's pretty good.
Oliver loves outdoors too!
Awe. Me and the Mr. (Handsome man I married!)
"Marker" the elf... this was fun!
Popcorn Christmas movie night!
Mom and son day while Lola played at school!
I heart her!
My little old man baby. His hair is actually really long.
8 months old and getting bumper pads... hmmmm?
The only thing to make him happy. Laying on momma watching TV.
Night of Christmas festival!
DATE NIGHT!!! We got to see this movie a few weeks early!
Date nights are rare and treasured right now.
Pitiful face.
I love this picture because she is wearing her daddy's shirt.
Aunt Keb came over to help us catch up on fun Christmas activities-
Working on tent skills.
Marker left Lola flowers for being so brave in the hospital.
She's reading to him. Goodness. Gracious.
Couch snuggles with both my babies.
Lola does this all on her own. My only instruction was to set Oliver on the blanket she laid out for him.
Yep, he loves me.
Teething bites. ;)
Big sis must help!
Maw-Maw's birthday! We had pizza and cake at my house!
So much easier with the kiddos and enjoyed everyone lounging in our den.
Lola and I had a cake success! And it was super yummy!
This is Ollie trying to dial in Santa. Ha!
Ollie not pictured because he was with his Carmen. Girl day!
Oh and Oliver got a new rug! His other one was so comfy (Lola begged for it) but my vacuum wouldn't vacuum on it. I couldn't take it. Went a different route so cars can easily push on it.
Lola Lou, All Girl Christmas Party:
Did I write about this? I am thinking not. Lola requested an all girl Christmas party! Only genius so we went with it!
Lola dancing and Oliver entertained while we wait for sweet friends to show!
Me and Lo dancing and Oliver cheesing big time. His new funny face. (8 months)
Not the best pictures- decorating cookies at the table!
Little gingerbread sprinkles on cupcakes.
Me and Mrs. Lisa. Muah!
One excited girl!
Best friends.
I think Clay is sneaking cookies in the back. Lola said all girls but Daddy and Oliver.
We read a book about a gingerbread GIRL!
Bonding time. Hoping to give her baby fever, although she probably doesn't need help. :)
Ballet Recital:
I am not overly into dance and all that- but I could be! She was so cute!
She is standing next to one of her most raved about friends. She loves her.
At far right:
Not pictured: Nonna, Ba, Kebby, and Gram
Hospital stay for Lola:
Pediatrician sent us straight to ER on a Friday afternoon/evening. |
She was so brave and exhausted.
Family and friends loved on her with love and gifts of all kind.
Momma was going CRAZY. Sorry to everyone. I didn't like having more answers, was worried about my baby girl, and was away from my baby boy for the first time.
Oliver came to visit the last day before Lola got released. And I snuck in a shower at home on Saturday and loved on Oliver. He was sure happy to see me! Likewise! And Nonna helped a lot too! We were tired girls.
COULD THIS BE THE LONGEST POST OF MY LIFE? I feel a little more caught up- but I'll be better now. I hope and pray. I miss WLW :( Did I mention that?
1 comment:
Good post! I was just like Oliver with the special (& expensive) formula, and I still can't take Zithromax without terrible side effects. Also, too bad you don't live in CO because I'd love to learn how to sew! :) Maybe I just need to try teaching myself!
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