Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lola is the also known as 4 now!

My baby girl is now 4.  It seems fitting to her enormous personality and sweet heart that she is 4.  I feel like she is 4 going on 16 though.  It seriously frightens me.  Not 16.  That's too old.  Luckily she's not 4 going on 16 and I have 12 more years. Phew.

I want to write about her and her party, but will have to a bit later.  I was doing some kitchen demolition by myself and have stitches across the palm of my hand and a bad finger.  Typing isn't feeling good to my hand and typing one handed is already frustrating me- and you know me.  I have a lot to say about my baby girl turning 4.  And how great she is.

Here's my cut.  And my finger and top of my hand hurts way worse than the cut, but the cut/stitches make me real nauseated.  But it all hurts.  And sucks.  I took the stitches out myself on day 10 and that was too early so now I have surgical tape strips holding it together.  It was a pretty good cut, possibly by a nail going down my palm.  Not sure.  It happened so fast. It's getting better.  Feels like the slowly but surely type thing. Blah, blah, blah.  (Funny enough it followed that natural line.wrinkle in your hand.)  

Can't wait to put pictures of Lola up and her sweet party.  And talk about all of her goodness.  There's a lot! The party girl finally made it to her own party! Woohoo!