Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm an early bird...

I am one happy pregnant lady because this baby is back to being a morning baby! Every morning for the past week I have been waking up in the 8 o'clock range vs the 11 o'clock range and feel really good! My energy level is rising and I am sleeping better with my new pillow that's bigger than me! Hooray! I'm feeling more and more like my normal self! Although my belly button hurts- and that's a strange part of the body to have hurt. Yuck. Lol.

I love this baby being a morning baby! This morning I may bundle up and wash my car. It's long overdue.

I did have a doctor visit that was unscheduled but everything is fine. When I I went, I was able to hear a glimpse of the heartbeat. It sounded so strange for that noise to becoming from my body and to know it's not my heartbeat. In one more week Clay and I go back to the doctor to listen again and this time I'll be prepared to take it all in! He didn't go last time so he will be shocked and just as excited to hear the heartbeat. What a fun experience for us. I'll never forget. How could I? I blog about it to strangers so I'll always be able to remember! :)

So long for now- oh and in one more week baby Swartz will start responding to sound so the record player has to be turned up. I've already picked the first songs I want this baby exposed to and hopefully this baby is a fan of Bob Dylan. I have some great ones! I know she/he will love it!!!! One kick for no, two kicks for yes!



Debbie said...

Okay, every time you come over now I'm going to have to read a book out loud. Get ready! lol

Natalie said...

Sounds relaxing Gram!!