Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Uncle Nick!

We celebrated Uncle Nick’s birthday today! Can’t believe he is 1 year shy of 30!  What an old wise brother I have!  I can tell his 20’s are ending on a powerful high and look forward to seeing him thrive in his 30s!  Lola is really digging birthdays and gift giving these days and is such a cute part of it all!

Lola was excited over the gift daddy picked out for Nick this year and helped me carry it in.  She really is such a big help these days.  If only I could teach her to tie her and my own shoes! ;)


Lola went straight in to love on her Nonna.  She isn’t always a big fan of the group gatherings because that means she has to share her Nonna- be she soon sees we are all a fun bunch together! lol



Sis snapped a few belly pictures: 34 weeks.  (The word on the street is I am smaller everywhere else this pregnancy but bigger in my tummy. Personally I don’t like hearing the word on the street or being told I look like I am due today or get asked how many babies are in there?”)  I am kind of moody at this point.  Slightly an understatement.  :)

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This was 32-33 weeks pregnant via phone:

photo (2)

See any resemblance in these two?


Lola made this for Uncle Nick:


Lighting is all weird on this picture but Lola and I made this card for Uncle Nick because he always teaches Lola math when he babysits by drawing apples Smile

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Lola giving Uncle Nick kisses and excited to show off the gift daddy got him, although daddy wasn’t here because he was camping. 

I believe Lola sat next to Nick hoping to get in on the unwrapping gifts action- I think Uncle Nick realized what her true intentions were in this picture:


Lola has been known to snatch things lately when you aren’t looking… example below:



Gift opening done and time to serve cake… Without anyone saying anything, earlier Lola must have noticed there was a brown (chocolate) cake sitting out along with a white (vanilla) one and when Nonna asked Lola to help her serve cake, without Lola saying a word she then walked over to Uncle Nick and said “Which one you like? Brown or white?”  She is so observant.  And has an incredible memory.  I love seeing her interact now with everyone and be such a big part of whatever event is going on. She is so happy.

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Since this post is about to be Uncle Nick some- I’ll include him blowing out his birthday candles. lol


Then my camera died.  Have to get some of moms too because had some more cute ones of Lola.  I am having to make up for the lack of pictures lately. :)

Happy Birthday Uncle Nick.  We all love you and can’t wait to see what 29 brings you.

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