Monday, December 1, 2008

Drum Roll Please...

Baby Swartz is waving to you guys! Except with a clenched fist, but during the sonogram he/she was stretching out those little fingers!

Boy or Girl? Did we find out?

WELLLLLLL Kind of! Debbie and my Mom went with Clay and me to the Dr. appointment and we all went to watch the sonogram. We got to watch and see the baby for twenty minutes or so before the technician started doing any measurements and she was careful not to show the baby's private parts which wasn't hard because Baby Swartz woke up just in time to get his/her picture taken and was moving so much! It was so fun to see all the kicks, rotating, turning, hands rubbing eyes, arms stretching, belly flopping... he/she was just the cutest thing to see. We all four were shocked at what a clear picture we got and how well we could see all the features. At one point Baby Swartz looked like he/she was counting his/her fingers. I thought that was so sweet for some reason and the tears came at that point. I told the technician that the baby was really low, and sure enough I wasn't imagining things. His/her head was really low and his/her legs were around my bellybutton. So no baby above my bellybutton so I was trying to figure out why the weight gain... Can't I stay small there??

SOOOO.... the boy or girl part... I didn't give up the fight of a surprise. Both moms had to turn and face the wall so they wouldn't peak and I just watched Clay's face the entire time the technician looked to identify the sex because Clay looked at the sonogram so he could find out! SO HE KNOWS THE SEX OF OUR BABY AND I DO NOT ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. He was in awe of seeing our baby, seeing how big he/she was, and all the movements along with finding out if he will be raising a son or daughter first and I was in awe of seeing this little one move versus only feeling the movements. I feel the baby everyday, all day now so it was wonderful to see inside the belly!

I love the way we did it, all though unusual, Clay got his way and I got mine! Thanks for all those who gave us their opinions. The final vote was 10 to 4, saying we should find out. Well, we partly did.

I made a really cute card and envelope to match. The gist of the card was for the technician to circle boy or girl and I put some other stuff on it. She circled one and put the picture that proved her choice in with it and sealed it up for me. It's laying on the counter now and it's fun to see it and know I could find out right now, but I don't. No temptation (yet). I think if I can wait this long then I can wait a few more months! The sonogram did think the baby might be a few days earlier which is exciting, although they don't officially change the due date.

And most importantly yesterday the baby was spot on with everything including heart development, fluids, bones, placenta, well everything! That was great to hear!

It was such a fun filled day for me. I was so excited and hyper all day and then around 7:00 I lost all energy. I slept solid and even slept in and feel good again today! I just can't believe I got to see the baby for so long.

Enjoy the baby pictures!
The last one shows a foot pretty clear and another foot that is moving. These pictures just don't do justice to what we all watched yesterday. It was truly a litle miracle... cheesy but so true!


Carole said...

I waited all day to find out.....glad to read your post this morning. I am so excited about the way you did it.....will you wait and not peek?? I don't know if I could. HA I loved the pictures. Glad you are feeling well and that the baby is good and healthy. I can't wait to meet him/her!!!

Debbie said...

there are no words to express the happiness and excitement...

jillian elizabeth said...

YAY! I saved your message cause you were so cute and excited (although it made it sound like you were about to tell me the sex)! I LOVE the card that you made for the doctor to fill out, such a CUTE love love it!

Anonymous said...

Precious baby - -- -.
I voted for you to wait so I guess I was one of four.
You are one that can preservere!! That will come in handy when the baby is in your arms.
I love you dearly!!

House for Sale said...

It was so fun seeing baby cash. I think he waved at Debbie and me. I can't wait to hold this baby. I guess Jillian and I will have to wait to buy rinestone things!

roxrae5679 said...

Nat! I dont think I will be able to wait! I love him/her already! Glad to hear you are getting rest! Praying for yall everyday!