Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well a while back ago a book by Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz was "popular" and on the best seller list. I knew of several people who were reading it and remembering hearing a lot about it. I typically don't like a "Christiany" book. They all seem so cliche or if you do these five things, follow these guidelines, think this... so I figured it was just one of those types of books and I didn't bother checking it out.

Clay and I decided to read a book together, and not necessarily one that was designed for a couple to read. We just wanted a book to discuss and possibly challenge us individually. Clay picked this one and brought us each a copy home from HPB.

I am about half way through it and I have to say I have really found it refreshing. I like hearing such different points of view on Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with Him. Although I may not agree with everything he writes or at times I really relate to what he feels, it's nice to hear and experience a different perspective. Many of the Christians I know seem to be very similar in their thinking and ways, so to speak. I'll never forget telling my dad I wanted a tattoo at the age of 16 or so. He told me that if I really wanted one when I was 24 then I could go for it because you figure out who you are around then. (Some people a little earlier and some much, much later...) But it is true... when you realize that you are an adult, when you completely make your own decisions, and when you realize you have to find your place in this world, you really do become you. You want to think and believe in something and you want to know why, you want to have passion and purpose. I like reading books or talking to people who challenge your thinking or think differently than what's "normal" to you. I think this is one reason I used to tend to have friends that were very different from me. They didn't always have a big, positive impact on others, but they tend to be people who thought for themselves, had passion (didn't mean it was a passion for something good), and normally were smart individuals. Now that I feel I am definitely defining me, learning to be an adult (lol), trying to use my strengths in a way that affects people and working through my weaknesses, I really like the book. I think it would be a very interesting book to read if I didn't know Jesus. It would definitely intrigue me. Rather someone liked it or not, they couldn't argue that it made you think. I like that. I think it's a cool book and would be interested in knowing what some people thought of it. I think my mom read part of it and isn't quite a fan of it... I think my sister might read it. I will pass it on to her when I am done.


Anonymous said...

I have heard pros and cons on this book. What a good idea to read and discuss together. I haven't read it myself but Ben has.

House for Sale said...

Nick and I heard him speak. A very gifted young man. I love how he looks at different ways to lead people to Jesus. I do love the way he makes sure he is leading people to Jesus and thinks out of the box. The fact he went to the most liberal college in the United States on purpose to lead young people to Jesus speaks volumes about his life. I am so glad you read this book. The penguin example was well I don't want to spoil it in case someone else is reading it...LOL!

jillian elizabeth said...

I love this book. Nick and I are reading "Finding God in Unexpected Places" by Philip Yancy and are REALLY liking it (just a recommendation for the future). Donald Miller also wrote a good book called "Searching for God Knows What" which I highly recommend too. Okay that's all for now!
p.s. I love that you are blogging more right now!

Natalie said...

Jill- thanks for the recommendation! The other book by Donald Miller Clay actually bought as well so maybe that will be my next read. When my mind starts to stress I really enjoy reading Blue Like Jazz... it does a good job of putting my mind to work on more important things! Miss you girl!