Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Funny Videos

Lola is super cute.  And I am not just saying that because I am her mom.  Laughing.  Mom this is the video I was telling you about- so check it out! :)


I walked into our room to find Lola talking to herself in our big mirror so I ran to get the camera and she was so engaged in her own reflection she had no idea I was standing there filming it all!  I love videos like this… I feel they will be classics.  :)


Nonna said...

I love all the pictures! I am glad she is missing Kebby so much!!! She is a doll baby for sure! Kisses to you both! I love the think about it chair!

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful! I love her conversation skills~ way cute. And that dance in front of the mirror, too awesome for words!!

ps her hair is getting so long!!!