Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday 12:30 p.m. Update

Well I made it through the night and watched the sun come up. I was so uncomfortable and thought any hour could turn into harder contractions and I could phone the doctor, but that didn't happen. Just a consistent uncomfortable feeling and contractions were all over the place. I finally went to sleep just as my mom was headed over to walk with me around 10 a.m. this morning so she let me sleep instead and at noon I woke back up. So about 4 hours of sleep all together. Clay is taking me over there now so I can walk and see if I can get these contractions going. I feeling like my body is so close and just needs a tiny, tiny push. Hopefully this walk with do some good, because if not it will just bring unnecessary pain and make my feet even more bruised than they already are.

That's the latest.

Good news is if there is no hospital trip today, my doctor's appointment is tomorrow so I can see what has changed. I really think a conversation about inducing is probably pointless, because I believe it will happen soon.

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