Friday, September 18, 2009

More pictures than words…

Don’t have a whole lot to say. Lola is waiting to get her new DOC Band and we have just had a wonderful week. I have worked a good bit and Lola and I enjoyed a day of errands in the rain by ourselves this week. Just a real relaxing week. I love her.

This is Lola playing in her crib which she loves to do. She thinks she is so big. I love when she is in her crib setting up because she looks all around at her room and it makes me feel proud of her cute little room.

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Lola is growing so fast and constantly makes new faces and learns new tricks. This face is so sweet…

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This face is funny. She looks a little shy and embarrassed.

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She was curious and interested in something, which normally it’s the camera, but not here… can’t remember what… maybe my shirt?

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I love this face. Haha… I have a feeling she will be a funny child. Do you notice her bangs getting longer? Bout time for a little trim!

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We tried so hard to get one decent shot! It seem to get better as we went, but never really got a great one! But then again, I love them all!

046 - Copy 035 - Copy (2)049 - Copy 039 - Copy (2) I wish she was looking at the camera here! Can you tell she is starting to look sleepy???

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This is the winner… she looks cute! And her eyes are so blue here!

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Well I wore her out with all the photos. As soon as I put her in her swing with her doll, she fell fast asleep. Her paci fell out and is under her doll’s hand. How cute.

006 - Copy (2)This is Lola chilling and watching TV in her mix-matched pajamas. I was working from the kitchen table and she just watched TV and played amongst herself. I actually got at least a solid hour of work in. She was one happy girl.

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Hope you enjoyed the new pictures!

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